Spending Money

I rarely buy things for myself other than necessities.  I spent $50 on 4 dress shirts at Macy’s on Black Friday, but that was a good deal.  Today, I was at GameStop with a friend of mine.  We were there because he wanted to get a game.  I haven’t bought a game for myself in a long time because it costs money, and time that could be better used to accomplish other things.  Don’t get me wrong, I love video games, but I cannot bring myself to spend hours playing them when I can use that time to do more productive things instead.

But I love the Metal Gear Solid series of games.  I played Metal Gear Solid, and I played Metal Gear Solid 2 a few years after the game came out.  I always planned on playing the next game in the series whenever I got a chance.  Today, while he was looking at his games, I saw Metal Gear Solid 3, being sold for $13.50 used.  I really debated if this is worth $13.50, and if I will have time to play it, and if having this game will negatively affect my life.  Well, I ended up buying it.  It feels weird when I buy things like this.  I’ve lived so long minimizing my expenses when making purchases that I am not used to buying things like video games.  Well, I haven’t played it yet and not sure when I will.  But I hope I can finish it off before I start studying for my next exam.

On a related note, I’ve always wanted to play Secret of Mana on Super Nintendo but I never got around to playing it.  Like all games, I expected price of this game to go down, and thought someday, I would play this game.  Well, this game came out 17 years ago and it is still fetching at least $25 on eBay for just the game, and up to $90 for a complete set.  It must still be highly desired and have a limited supply out there.  Heck, I don’t even know where my Super Nintendo is anymore, although I’m sure it’s around somewhere.  (Not as sure if it still works, or if it can still connect to today’s TVs.)  Someday, though, I will play this game.  Oh yes, I will play this game.

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