Posts Tagged ‘Health’

Check Up

January 14, 2011

Let’s take a break from the baby drama for today.

One of the things I forgot about when I was making a list of 90 reasons for doing P90X is what I’m going to do today: get a check up.  The check up, or “biometric screening”, is run by my medical insurance company and I believe it is mandatory; everyone in the company is going to get ourselves checked on our height, weight, waist, cholesterol, and maybe other things.  This is either the first step of medical insurance becoming more like auto insurance (better driving record, or better health, get cheaper premium), or just a ploy to get us to be more aware of our health so that we take better care of ourselves, thereby costing them less money.

I know it’s just a screening, but I didn’t want to be called a fat pig, so that’s why it was one of the reasons for working out.  Well, I’ve completed 13 days of workouts, and also went 13 days without smoking, so that must’ve improved my numbers somewhat.

One mistake I made is setting the appointment time to 3 pm.  Because they ask you to fast for 6 to 8 hours.  That’s 7 am to 9 am when I can have my last meal.  However, I do want to be on the safe side so I don’t plan on eating after 7 am.  Wait, what?   You say it is 8 am now?  Hmm… that means I missed my chance at breakfast.  And lunch.  I should have set the appointment for morning.  Oh well, just 7 more hours of fasting to go…

(Deepthroat, you must drive your family crazy with your constant throat clearing.)